How to Make a LOT of Social Media Content

On a month-to-month basis, I make a LOT of content. My own blogs, social media posts, email newsletters. Then, I do the same for clients. 

I’d say I spend the vast majority of my time writing and creating content. 

I’d be lying if I said it didn’t get tedious. 

But it’s something you need to get comfortable with if you want to make serious headway with your online marketing.

Most of my clients are on a daily posting schedule. That means I create 30 pieces of social media content for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc. I write about 12-15 emails per month and a full roster of blogs.

The question isn’t can you write that many posts, but how will you organize yourself so that you can be successful? Everyone can write a post, not everyone can find the time to do 30+. 

You can brute force your way through bulk content, but there is a tried and true strategy that I use for each of my clients and myself.

The Keystone Content Strategy

I didn’t invent this strategy, but I’ve used it on more than one occasion for my clients. Popularized by Gary Vee, but certainly not invented by him, this strategy is the basis for most content marketing campaigns. 

The Keystone Content Strategy creates a cohesive campaign that drives all your web traffic back to one particular piece of content with the goal of converting web visitors to customers/sponsors/donors. There are generally three steps for building content with this strategy, but don’t think that makes it easy. 

Here’s how it works: 

  • Develop a big piece of content that acts as the cornerstone of your content for that particular campaign. It should explain completely the product or service you provide. It should act as a “how-to” guide for your customers to solve things on their own, or really explain the basis of your business. 
    • For example, if you own a landscaping company, you could provide customers with a whitepaper that completely explains how to do a full front-yard makeover. Feels like you’re giving away your secrets right? Bear with me here. 
  • After you’ve written your piece of Keystone Content, pull 10-20 main points out of that larger piece of content. Whether it’s a point from each chapter or separate headings from your blog, put them into a separate document to make your smaller pieces of microcontent. 
  • Using those 10-20 points, you can create shareable content for social media including short videos, infographics, posts, and stories that all link back to the main Keystone Content. 

That’s literally the whole process. 

You're not giving away trade secrets or selling the cow before the milk. You're letting your audience know that you understand their problem and you're an expert at solving it. Eventually, they'll be calling you because they read/watched your specific piece of Keystone Content and want you to fix the issue for them. Because the Keystone Content lives on your website or behind a lead capture wall, it will drive customers who are actively searching for someone like you to your contact information.

Every piece of microcontent you create should link back to the Keystone Content. 

Does this solve the issue of needing to put the time into content creation? No. But it does take away the stress of having to figure out what you should be posting about. From there, things get a lot more simple.

This month we’re focusing on helping businesses and influencers get their content rolling. That means one-on-one planning sessions and consulting on content creation. Interested? Shoot us an email to book a complementary 15-minute call. If you like what you hear, let’s book a session! 

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As always, if you need any help… you know where to find me. 

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